Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to our FREE support course for FAC1601

    1. Some Basics from FAC1502

    2. Lecture 1 : Gross Profit

    3. Lecture 2 : Four Common Adjustments

    1. Introduction to Learning Unit 1 & 2

    2. Handout: Summaries for SU1 (A) (PDF)

    3. Handout: Updated notes for Lecture 4 (PDF)

    4. Lecture 1: International Financial Reporting Standards

    5. Lecture 2: General Purpose Financial Reporting (INFOGRAPHIC)

    6. Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting

    7. Lecture 3A: Conceptual Framework - Basics (INFOGRAPHIC)

    8. Lecture 3B: Introduction and Overview of the Conceptual Framework

    9. Lecture 4.1: Elements Definitions and Recognition Criteria

    10. Lecture 4.2: Elements Definitions and Recognition Criteria

    11. Lecture 4.3: Elements Definitions and Recognition Criteria

    12. Lecture 5: Asset definition (INFOGRAPHIC)

    13. Lecture 6: Liability definition (INFOGRAPHIC)

    14. Lecture 7: Measurement of the Elements of Financial Statements (READ)

    15. Lecture 8: Concepts of Capital and Capital Maintenance (READ)

    16. Presentation of Financial Statements: IAS 1

    17. Lecture 9: Purpose of Financial Statements

    18. Lecture 10: General Features (INFOGRAPHIC)

    19. Structure and Contents of Financial Statements

    20. Handout: Financial Statement Formats - download from lectures 11 to 14 (PDF)

    21. Lecture 11: Statement of Financial Position

    22. Lecture 12: Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income

    23. Lecture 13: Statement of Changes in Equity

    24. Lecture 14: Notes to the Annual Financial Statements

    25. Class Example - Storms for Africa

    26. Handout: Tutorial Question - Statement of Financial Positions - Storms for Africa Question (PDF)

    27. Lecture 15: Feedback on Storms for Africa

    28. Handout: Tutorial Solution - Statement of Financial Position - Storms for Africa (PDF)

    29. Lecture 16: Income and Expenses: Differentiating between Ordinary Activities and Other Gains or Losses (INFOGRAPHIC)

    30. Lecture 17: Asset Classification - Current vs Non Current (INFOGRAPHIC)

    31. Lecture 18: Liability Classification - Current vs Non Current (INFOGRAPHIC)

    1. Introduction to Learning Units 1 & 2

    2. Handout: SU1 B Handouts - Financial Instruments (PDF)

    3. Handout: UNISA SG Exercise 1.2 (PDF)

    4. Lecture 1: What is a Financial Asset Subsequently measured through Profit and Loss? (INFOGRAPHIC)

    5. Lecture 2: Intro to Financial Instruments

    6. Lecture 3: Important Definitions (READ)

    7. Lecture 4: The Journals for Financial Assets

    8. Lecture 5: UNISA Exercise 1.2 Homework - Financial Asset

    1. Handout: SU2 - Notes (PDF)

    2. Handout: Financial Statement Formats (PDF)

    3. Lecture 1: Introduction

    4. Lecture 2: Statement of Financial Position

    5. Lecture 3: Statement of Profit or Loss

    6. Lecture 4: Statement of Changes in Equity

    7. Lecture 5: Notes to the Annual Financial Statements

    8. Class Example: October 2012 Q2 - Khulong Traders

    9. Handout: Oct/Nov 2012 - Question 2 - Khulong Traders (PDF)

    10. Handout: Oct/Nov 2012 - Suggested Solution - Question 2

    11. Lecture 1: Question 2.1 Part A

    12. Lecture 2: Question 2.1 PART B

    13. Lecture 3: Question 2.1 PART C

    14. Lecture 4: Question 2.2

    15. Lecture 5: Question 2.1 Marking

    16. Lecture 6: Question 2.2 Marking

    1. Where will your marks come from?

    2. SU3 Summary Notes

    3. i) Theory and Introduction to Partnerships

    4. Lesson 1: Introducing Partnerships

    5. Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of a Partnership

    6. Lesson 3: Capital Accounts vs Current Accounts vs Loans

    7. ii) Accounting Procedures and Specialised Accounts

    8. Lesson 4: Capital Accounts

    9. Lesson 5: Current Accounts

    10. Lesson 6: Drawings

    11. Lesson 7: Reserves

    12. Lesson 8: Loan Accounts

    13. Lesson 9: Closing Accounts and Transfers Overview

    14. Lesson 10: Trading Account

    15. Lesson 11: Profit and Loss Account

    16. Lesson 12: Appropriation Account

    17. Lesson 13: Drawings Account

    18. Lesson 14: Current Account Review

    19. iii) Financial Statements of a Partnership

    20. Statement of Profit or Loss and OCI - Illustrative download

    21. Statement of Changes in Equity - Illustrative download

    22. Statement of Financial Position - Illustrative download

    23. Homework

    24. Exercise 3.1

    25. Lesson 15: HW Exercise 3.1 - Read

    26. Lesson 16: HW Exercise 3.1 - Journals and General Ledger

    27. Lesson 17: HW Exercise 3.1 - Current Account General Ledger

    28. 18: HW Exercise 3.1 - Statement of Profit or Loss and OCI

    29. Lesson 19: HW Exercise 3.1 - Statement of Changes in Equity

    30. Lesson 20: HW Exercise 3.1 - Statement of Financial Position and Notes

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