FAC1601 - Financial Accounting Reporting
We cover the full syllabus for FAC1601 with video lectures, explaining everything you need to know about FAC1601. We explain the syllabus simply, so you’ll be able to apply it to any situation.
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Some Basics from FAC1502
Lecture 1 : Gross Profit
Lecture 2 : Four Common Adjustments
Introduction to Learning Unit 1 & 2
Handout: Summaries for SU1 (A) (PDF)
Handout: Updated notes for Lecture 4 (PDF)
Lecture 1: International Financial Reporting Standards
Lecture 2: General Purpose Financial Reporting (INFOGRAPHIC)
Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
Lecture 3A: Conceptual Framework - Basics (INFOGRAPHIC)
Lecture 3B: Introduction and Overview of the Conceptual Framework
Lecture 4.1: Elements Definitions and Recognition Criteria
Lecture 4.2: Elements Definitions and Recognition Criteria
Lecture 4.3: Elements Definitions and Recognition Criteria
Lecture 5: Asset definition (INFOGRAPHIC)
Lecture 6: Liability definition (INFOGRAPHIC)
Lecture 7: Measurement of the Elements of Financial Statements (READ)
Lecture 8: Concepts of Capital and Capital Maintenance (READ)
Presentation of Financial Statements: IAS 1
Lecture 9: Purpose of Financial Statements
Lecture 10: General Features (INFOGRAPHIC)
Structure and Contents of Financial Statements
Handout: Financial Statement Formats - download from lectures 11 to 14 (PDF)
Lecture 11: Statement of Financial Position
Lecture 12: Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
Lecture 13: Statement of Changes in Equity
Lecture 14: Notes to the Annual Financial Statements
Class Example - Storms for Africa
Handout: Tutorial Question - Statement of Financial Positions - Storms for Africa Question (PDF)
Lecture 15: Feedback on Storms for Africa
Handout: Tutorial Solution - Statement of Financial Position - Storms for Africa (PDF)
Lecture 16: Income and Expenses: Differentiating between Ordinary Activities and Other Gains or Losses (INFOGRAPHIC)
Lecture 17: Asset Classification - Current vs Non Current (INFOGRAPHIC)
Lecture 18: Liability Classification - Current vs Non Current (INFOGRAPHIC)
Introduction to Learning Units 1 & 2
Handout: SU1 B Handouts - Financial Instruments (PDF)
Handout: UNISA SG Exercise 1.2 (PDF)
Lecture 1: What is a Financial Asset Subsequently measured through Profit and Loss? (INFOGRAPHIC)
Lecture 2: Intro to Financial Instruments
Lecture 3: Important Definitions (READ)
Lecture 4: The Journals for Financial Assets
Lecture 5: UNISA Exercise 1.2 Homework - Financial Asset
Handout: SU2 - Notes (PDF)
Handout: Financial Statement Formats (PDF)
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Statement of Financial Position
Lecture 3: Statement of Profit or Loss
Lecture 4: Statement of Changes in Equity
Lecture 5: Notes to the Annual Financial Statements
Class Example: October 2012 Q2 - Khulong Traders
Handout: Oct/Nov 2012 - Question 2 - Khulong Traders (PDF)
Handout: Oct/Nov 2012 - Suggested Solution - Question 2
Lecture 1: Question 2.1 Part A
Lecture 2: Question 2.1 PART B
Lecture 3: Question 2.1 PART C
Lecture 4: Question 2.2
Lecture 5: Question 2.1 Marking
Lecture 6: Question 2.2 Marking
Where will your marks come from?
SU3 Summary Notes
i) Theory and Introduction to Partnerships
Lesson 1: Introducing Partnerships
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of a Partnership
Lesson 3: Capital Accounts vs Current Accounts vs Loans
ii) Accounting Procedures and Specialised Accounts
Lesson 4: Capital Accounts
Lesson 5: Current Accounts
Lesson 6: Drawings
Lesson 7: Reserves
Lesson 8: Loan Accounts
Lesson 9: Closing Accounts and Transfers Overview
Lesson 10: Trading Account
Lesson 11: Profit and Loss Account
Lesson 12: Appropriation Account
Lesson 13: Drawings Account
Lesson 14: Current Account Review
iii) Financial Statements of a Partnership
Statement of Profit or Loss and OCI - Illustrative download
Statement of Changes in Equity - Illustrative download
Statement of Financial Position - Illustrative download
Exercise 3.1
Lesson 15: HW Exercise 3.1 - Read
Lesson 16: HW Exercise 3.1 - Journals and General Ledger
Lesson 17: HW Exercise 3.1 - Current Account General Ledger
18: HW Exercise 3.1 - Statement of Profit or Loss and OCI
Lesson 19: HW Exercise 3.1 - Statement of Changes in Equity
Lesson 20: HW Exercise 3.1 - Statement of Financial Position and Notes