Course curriculum

    1. Introduction, Guidance and Overview

    1. Before we start...

    2. What does 'Bookkeeping' involve? (INFOGRAPHIC)

    3. Handout: SU1 - Notes (PDF)

    4. Lecture 1: What is Accounting all about?

    5. Lecture 2: Reporting Results to Users, for Individuals and Businesses

    6. Lecture 3: What types of Businesses need Accounting?

    7. Lecture 4: Who are the Users of Financial Information?

    8. Lecture 5: Important Background to Financial Statements

    9. Lecture 6A: The Conceptual Framework Basics (INFOGRAPHIC)

    10. Lecture 6B: The Conceptual Framework

    11. Lecture 7: The Going Concern Basis

    12. Lecture 8: The Financial Statements

    13. Lecture 9: Format of Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income and the Statement of Financial Position

    14. Lecture 10: Introduction to the Elements of the Financial Statements

    15. Lecture 11: What is the purpose of FinAcc 1A?

    16. Lecture 12: How should I study for FinAcc 1A and what's in it?

    1. Handout: SU2 - Financial Position Notes (PDF)

    2. Handout: SU2 - Format of Financial Position (PDF)

    3. What do the users need to know about your Financial Position?

    4. Lecture 1: A Basic Business Example (INFOGRAPHIC)

    5. Lecture 2: The Types of Financial Information that must be Included

    6. The Basic Accounting Equation

    7. Lecture 3: Working out how much belongs to the Owners of the Business

    8. The Elements of the Statement of Financial Position

    9. Lecture 4: Assets (INFOGRAPHIC)

    10. Lecture 5: Liabilities (INFOGRAPHIC)

    11. Lecture 6: Current and Non-Current

    12. Lecture 7: The Double-entry System (INFOGRAPHIC)

    13. Lecture 8: Separate Legal Entities (READ)

    14. Lecture 9: Accounting Periods (READ)

    15. Handout: Tutorial Question-Statement of Financial Positions-Storms for Africa Question (PDF)

    16. Lecture 10: Feedback on Storms for Africa Example

    17. Handout: Tutorial Solution - Statement of Financial Position-Storms for Africa (PDF)

    18. Class Example - Thunder (Pty)Ltd

    19. Handout: Class Example 2 - Thunder (Question and Solution) (PDF)

    1. Handout: SU3 - Financial Performance Notes (PDF)

    2. Handout: Format of Statement of Profit & Loss (PDF)

    3. What do the users need to know about your Financial Performance?

    4. Lecture 1: A Basic Business Example of Financial Performance (INFOGRAPHIC)

    5. Lecture 2: The Types of Financial Information that must be Included

    6. The Elements of the Statement of Profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Income

    7. Lecture 3: Profit = Income - Expenses

    8. Lecture 4: Examples of Income and Expenses (READ)

    9. Lecture 5: Relationship between Performance and Position?

    10. Lecture 6: Income and Expenses: Differentiating between Ordinary Activities and Other Gains or Losses (INFOGRAPHIC)

    11. The Statement of Changes in Equity and Notes to the Financial Statements

    12. Lecture 7: Statement of Changes in Equity (READ)

    13. Lecture 8: Notes to the Financial Statements (READ)

    1. Intro to the double-entry system

    2. Handout: SU4 -The Double-Entry System and the Accounting Process Notes (PDF)

    3. The Double-entry system

    4. Handout: Class example - Tim's Garden Services - Double Entry System (PDF)

    5. Lecture 1: The Double-Entry System (INFOGRAPHIC)

    6. Lecture 2: Tim's Garden Services: First few transactions

    7. Lecture 3: Tim's Garden Services: Completed Solution

    8. The General Ledger: Debits and Credits

    9. Handout: Class example - Tim's Garden Services - General Ledger (PDF)

    10. Lecture 4: Recording and Summarising the Transactions

    11. Lecture 5: Debits and Credits

    12. Lecture 6: Debits and Credits (INFOGRAPHIC)

    13. Lecture 7: Multiple Transactions in the General Ledger

    14. Lecture 8: Closing off the General Ledger Accounts

    15. Lecture 9: Tim's Garden Services (General Ledger): First few examples of the GL question

    16. Lecture 10: Tim's Garden Services (General Ledger)- Complete solution

    17. The Trial Balance

    18. Handout: Class example - Tim's Garden Services - Trial Balance (PDF)

    19. Lecture 11: What is the Trial Balance?

    20. Lecture 12: Tim's Garden Services - Trial Balance

    21. The Annual Financial Statements

    22. Handout: Class example - Tim's Garden Services - Annual Financial Statements (PDF)

    23. Lecture 13: Tim's Garden Services - The Statement of Profit or Loss and the Statement of Changes in Equity

    24. Lecture 14: Tim's Garden Services - The Statement of Financial Position

    25. Class Example - Donovan's Retailers

    26. Handout: Class Example - Donovan's Retailers (PDF)

    1. Study Unit 5(A) covers the following:

    2. The Accounting Process

    3. Handout: SU5 -Processing Accounting Data Notes (PDF)

    4. Lecture 1: The Accounting Process so far

    5. General Journal Entries

    6. Lecture 2: The General Journal

    7. The Cash Receipts Journal

    8. Lecture 3: The Cash Receipts Journal (INFOGRAPHIC)

    9. Lecture 4: The Cash Receipts Journal - Why we use it

    10. Handout: Class Example - Fussy Pet Foods CRJ (PDF)

    11. Lecture 5: Fussy Pet Foods CRJ - Class Example

    12. Lecture 6: Fussy Pet Foods CRJ to GL - Class Example

    13. The Cash Payments Journal

    14. Lecture 7: The Cash Payments Journal (INFOGRAPHIC)

    15. Lecture 8: The Cash Payments Journal - Why we use it

    16. Handout: Class Example - Fussy Pet Foods CPJ (PDF)

    17. Lecture 9: Fussy Pet Foods CPJ - Class example

    18. Lecture 10: Fussy Pet Foods CPJ to GL - Class example

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